Saturday, January 21, 2006

"Lust Connection" review

Lust Connection (2005)

Directed by Jim Wynorski
Writing credits Bill Langlois Monroe Jim Wynorski

Julie K. Smith.... Sasha
Glori-Anne Gilbert.... Jenny/Susan
Frank Harper.... Rick
Holly Hollywood.... Girl in Hotel
Chasey Lain.... Pizza Molly
Jodie Moore.... The Stranger
Monique Parent.... Beth

A dude hits the skin flick lottery jackpot and gets to make it with lots of hot women. He's the suspect in his large breasted wife's murder. He starts to do his own investigation. Maybe it was one of his many lust connections that killed her. He reminisces on all of the sex he's had with his internet hookups. There are a lot of hot women out there who just can't get enough of this guy. His wife's twin sister shows up to comfort him and help him flashback on some more sex. Hopefully he'll find the time to uncover the killer in between thinking about all of his conquests.

Two questions: Who the heck is this guy and how did he get so lucky? I have never seen a soft core flick that only had one guy having all of the fun. I don't know whether I should be outraged at the lack of variety in "Lust Connection" or if I should praise this man as a super stud. I mean, just having a scene with Julie Smith is enough to warrant some praise. This guy makes it with everybody! The hit list: Julie Smith, Glori-Anne Gilbert, Monique Parent, Jodie Moore and a very bored looking Chasey Lain. I need to learn this guy's secret. It's not his looks.

So there are a lot of hard bodied women having a lot of sex with super stud man. I'm kind of upset that there wasn't any variety in this flick. Why didn't a couple of the lust connections hook up with each other? A Julie Smith/Chasey Lain scene would have been awesome. Awesome I say! Speaking of Julie Smith, this gives me another chance to talk about her breasts. They're awesome. Awesome I say! She has two scenes. One has her scrubbing herself in a bathtub and the other has her rolling around on the couch with the big man. Both scenes are great. Overall, there are plenty of hot women doing their thing in "Lust Connection". Of course, they're only doing their thing with one guy. If that doesn't bother you, it's worth a look.

SCORE: 3 out of 4 awesome Julie Smiths

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