Monday, May 22, 2006

"The Matrix Revolutions" review

The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

Directed by Andy Wachowski Larry Wachowski
Writing credits Andy Wachowski Larry Wachowski

Mary Alice.... The Oracle
Monica Bellucci.... Persephone
Laurence Fishburne.... Morpheus
Carrie-Anne Moss.... Trinity
Harold Perrineau.... Link
Jada Pinkett Smith.... Niobe
Keanu Reeves.... Neo
Hugo Weaving.... Agent Smith

The Matrix franchise started with a very cool, sci-fi kung fu movie and ends with a very expensive B-action flick with robots. Just so long as it ends.

The problem with "Matrix Revolutions" is this: They're not in the Matrix anymore! This leads to a host of problems. For starters, Trinity's black leather outfit is replaced with a baggy sweater full of holes when she is not plugged in. Very aesthetically displeasing. But the fact is that the Matrix world is much more interesting and exciting than the real, gray, drab world of Zion and Machine City. The Matrix world lets Neo show off his God- like kung fu skills. The real world is ugly, drab and boring. Even with all of the killer robots pouring into Zion, I was still yawning.

It wasn't a good trade off.

"Revolutions" had a lot of special effects and robot war scenes but it lost touch with what makes the Matrix cool in the first place: The ability to manipulate reality in the Matrix world to your ass kicking advantage.

Although I liked "Revolutions" a little more than "Reloaded", it's clear that the Matrix franchise peaked with the first movie. "The Matrix" was cool. "Reloaded" was a pretentious bore. "Revolutions" is a B-action flick. Neo learns that life is all about choice. Let this prophet show you the way. Choose to let the Matrix go.

SCORE: 2.5 out of 4 (expensive) B-action hero Neos

Monica Bellucci in red leather? Hot. We can all agree on that. Point for the Matrix.

Let's finish this nonsense.

Everything that has a beginning has an end...There is a God.

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