Sunday, February 21, 2010

Home at last! We arrived home at 7:30 p.m. last night after driving 760 km. It took an hour to get across the border just due to the volume of traffic. We were very happy to be back in Canada. We are both SO Canadian, it is funny! As soon as we crossed the border, we got out our boxed set of 4 CD's/88 songs by Gordon Lightfoot, and listened to that all the way home! Weather here is 23 F, and we have maybe a foot of snow. Roads are clear though. Kit kats are glad to be home, and were busy examining every square inch of the place last night! Today, they are both sound asleep, only waking long enough to eat breakfast. Paul too got up long enough for coffee and cookies, then slept all morning. I was able to catch up on a week's worth of Coronation Street this morning! Photos are: Gord Lightfoot CD's, Paul, Ambassador Bridge, and Escarpment at Milton.
The trip was wonderful, full of adventure and good times. It has been a dream of mine for many years to drive to Florida and stay for a month. I also wanted to re-visit the Magic Kingdom and Don's apartment, Daytona Beach and Flagler Beach, and to visit with the Hill family. And to make a side-trip to Destin to visit Grace and Earl. And I had for many years wanted to camp at Disney's Fort Wilderness. I'd also wanted to try the teeny tiny RV style of camping and travel. And of course, we had been planning to have this trip with Rob and Emily, celebrating his 25th birthday and Master's degree, for several years. So with the exception of getting a cold, it was all good! Thanks to everyone for their support, encouragement and advice, especially George. Now we need to plan the next adventure!

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