Friday, February 12, 2010

Kissimmee, Florida. Temperature today reached a high of about 50 F, and it was raining cats and dogs! In the morning, Paul & Rob accompanied me to Lake Mary to where Don used to live. The complex is now a different name, but oddly the pass code to open the gates has not changed. We walked around a bit, over to the pool and to the dock where Paul used to fish, but were not there long. I am very thankful to Paul and Rob for coming with me, they are absolutely the best! After lunch, Rob and Emily went shopping at the mall and Downtown Disney. Paul had a bit of a nap while I made reservations to camp Sunday and Monday at Disney's Fort Wilderness again. Then we went to Celebration (the Disney residential community) where I was happy to find that the "Soft as a Grape" store is still there, so I was able to buy another hat from them. Then Paul & I went to the grocery store, came home and I made dinner for us. Rob & Emily decided to order from Outback again (because they can't get it in Canada anymore). Weather permitting, we plan to go to the Magic Kingdom again tomorrow. Photos are: "Soft as a Grape" in Celebration, cats relaxing looking out on the pool, Celebration Market Street.

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