Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kissimmee, Florida. Temperature this morning was very cold, about 30 F, and it was windy. By late afternoon it reached about 60 F in the sun. We decided to have one last visit to the Magic Kingdom today, but boy, was it ever COLD! And BUSY! It is a long weekend here, President's Day, and the park was very crowded, lots of kids! We took the ferry across the lake to the park entrance, then showed Rob and Emily Don's stone in the Walk Around the World, then went into the park. We took the train around the park, and Rob and Emily went on the Tea Cup ride again. Then we all went on the Haunted Mansion ride again. Rob and Emily had funnel cakes, and we lunched at Columbia Harbour House because they could do gluten-free food for me. It was very busy too. All the rides had very long waits, so we shopped Main Street and saw the daytime parade. We came home for dinner, intending to return to the Magic Kingdom for the night-time Spectro Magic parade, but Rob and Emily went swimming in the heated pool, and we decided to catch up on the laundry and pack up for tomorrow's departure. We watched TV after dinner to relax. Pictures are: Rob at Don's stone, Crystal Castle at Arribas for $37,500, Rob & Emily on the Tea Cup ride.

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