Monday, February 15, 2010

Kissimmee, Florida. Yesterday's temperature in the afternoon was about 70 F finally! And today it was the same. Too bad the weather was so cold when Rob and Emily were here. Rob & Emily got back to Toronto safely, and their cat Phineas was very happy to see them! Unfortunately Rob had a bit of a cold (so do I) and now has airplane ears (all mucked up). Today Paul and I went back to Downtown Disney using the free buses, and shopped till we dropped! We lunched at the Earl of Sandwich again, and are going to BBQ steak tonight. The motorhome repair that we had done last week did not work, and we have to take the vehicle back to Camping World tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. (the new valve they installed is leaking, plus there are two NEW leaks that were not there before). It should be an adventure getting the motorhome serviced while we have the cats with us! (last week the cats were safely ensconced at the rental house). Nights are pretty cold, although our little furnace kept us snug as a bug last night. I am thinking I would like to see a few more things in Florida, then start heading back to Canada - we have been gone 3 weeks now. Photos are: Bandit making a bridge between two seats to get to the food, hot air balloon at Downtown Disney, Campsite 1633 at Ft. Wilderness, thermometer on Valentine's Day.

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