Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ft. Wilderness, Walt Disney World, Florida. Temperature was 60 F today, very nice when the sun came out in the late morning. We walked to the marina this morning, and were considering a guided fishing trip, but decided against it (very expensive). We lunched at the RV, and played with the cats outside - Abby was walking on her leash with me. This afternoon we took the ferry to the Contemporary Resort, looked around, then caught the monorail to tour around. We then caught the ferry again, went to Wilderness Lodge, looked around, then took the ferry back to camp. After dinner at the RV we took the campgound bus to the Chip 'n Dale Campfire & sing-along. We left after a bit, and came back to camp. We have an armadillo who makes his home at the base of the tree - he entertains the cats! Transportation is all free throughout all of Disney since we are staying at one of the resorts. We have not yet gone into any of the parks. Tonight I saw some of the fireworks while sitting in the RV, working on the blog! Photos are: Minnie Mouse golf cart belonging to one of the campers, Wilderness Lodge, Cinderella's Castle and Contemporary Resort seen from Ft. Wilderness, cats outside with Paul.

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