Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Go Figure...

So my Twin Brother calls me this morning at 7 in the morning to tell me some fucked up news. I'm not gonna go into details because thats his life and i dont wanna make his life public, but he is looking to get out of his current situation because it was honestly a mirror image of the situation i was in with my ex.
Anyways, i think the best thing for him is to move in with me. He currently is car-less living on long island and anyone that knows the area, long island without a car doesnt work. Plus it will be great for me since i will have my best friend back with me at all times. After 26 years we are still the same person and laugh over all the same stupid shit. Granted he is straight, but he has never treated me any differently since i came out to him back when i did. I will do anything for him.
I'm sure he is gonna end up being depressed, cuz i can feel how much he is hurting. I wasnt able to go back to sleep after he called me this morning because i felt like it was me going thru my break up all over again.
All i said i ever need in this world is him and i'm sure if he moves out here we can forget all about the fucked up people we seem to let take over our lives. I will support him and he will support me. At least we both can always go home know that we have someone there that isnt gonna try and hurt us judge us or try and control us.

Jon, i love you and we'll get thru this together!

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