Thursday, February 21, 2008

A long day...

Well i just finished a long day....

Today, i had 2 photoshoots back to back. The first was for woman's couture by the designer Carmen Marc Valvo and the next was for Loehmanns spring cataloge. We started shooting this morning at 9 and ended at about 815 tonight. As pussy as it sounds i had had a tooth ache for about 3 days now and last night it was so bad i couldnt sleep. I almost canceled both shoots today. That on top of my work out routine and not drinking water for the last couple days so that i good for the shoots, i feel like death. The constant feeling like someone is drilling through my head is enough to wanna dig thru my stash of drugs to make the pain go away.
But first the shoots....the first for C.M.V. i just basically was the naked slave of some high end Brazilian model. She was basically a bitch to me most of the shoot. At one point she snapped at me cuz i was positioned kinda holding her ass/love handle. I should have remembered for all the girls i dated that this is like a girls weak point and main focus of anorexiea. I guess for her it was no different.
My second shoot was for Loehmanns. This has been my third time shooting for them and yet i think i have actually stepped foot into an actual Loehmanns store less times. Not that i dont like loehmanns, cuz let me tell you, some of the stuff i was dressed in i did feel like stealing. But as a kid my mom traumatized me and my siblings with extended tripps to TJ Maxx and Loehmanns kinda has that same feel except its more high end. Most my outfits for this shoot, looked like i was ready for the Hamptons. Totally not me. But then i think that's kinda the point. Make you look at the add more then once and say.... "is that Erik Rhodes? What the fuck?"

By the end of the day the pain in my face is unbearable. I go to Mcdonalds like a fat shit since i havent eatten all day and wash it down with Poweraid and a couple doses of G. Thankfully the painsubsides alittle and i have a friend come over so that i and get some naked cuddling in. G makes me into a horny fuck and regardless of the pain, it feels alot better when i can feel a big dick behind me as i watch the opening episode of Americas Next top Model. Well i tried to watch it. I passed out, i think. Maybe i got fucked? Either way, its off to the the dentist today, thank god for dental insurance. Cuz this is gonna be bad.

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